Giving More Thanks
By Mica
22 Nov 2018
It is a yearly tradition for us to post something giving thanks around this holiday. I think it’s because this community has become such a large part of our lives. Also, I think it helps to remind ourselves once in a while of the good things that happen to us. So in that spirit…
Financial Supporters
We are lucky enough (for now) to not have huge costs, but they are costs none-the-less. We have been very fortunate that so many of you have stepped up to help pay those costs.
The Goliath of Givers
For the last several years, Dimitrios Psychogios has graciously covered our server expenses (and then some). On behalf of the community, thank you so much! You keep the servers up and running. Your generosity will cover infrastructure costs for the year and give us room to grow as the community does.
We also have some awesome folks who support us through monthly donations (which are nice because we can plan better if we need to). Together they cover the costs of data storage + transfer in/out of Amazon AWS S3 storage (basically the storage and transfer of all of the attachments and files in the forums). So thank you, you cool friends, you make the cogs turn:
- Jonas Wagner
- elGordo
- Chris
- Christian
- Claes
- Thias
- Stephan Vidi
- ukbanko
- Bill Z
- Damon Hudac
- Luka Stojanovic (a multi-year contributor!)
- Moises Mata
- WoodShop Artisans
- Barrie Minney (He’s a long time monthly contributor!)
- Mica
It is so amazing not to have to worry about finding the capital to support our growing community; we just expand things as necessary. It is super great.
If you’d like to join them in supporting the site financially, check out the support page .
As of today, we have 3135 users, so we’ve continued to grow at a very good rate! Welcome to all the new users.
As you can see from our discuss stats, we’re approaching 500k page views per month:
And our yearly community health is very positive:
This year we added the gphoto project to our list of supported applications! gPhoto is an awesome library for interfacing with your camera. It is used by darktable and entangle to allow you to shoot with your camera attached to your laptop or other device. We’re thrilled that they’ve joined us on the forums!
Natron is a compositing application mostly used in 3D/video compositing. The main developer was looking to give the project more of a community focus, so of course we were happy to provide them their own spot in the forum for their users to communicate and collaborate.
For another year, @darix continues to keep our stuff up and running! Do you ever notice outages? No?! Me either, and that is due to his daily diligence. We can’t thank him enough for his dedication to our community.
patdavid or Pat David
The originator of it all, thank you for the initial push to create this community where we are not divided by which application we use. And for your continued good will towards everyone here, your welcoming spirit, and passion. We’d never have done it without you! And for all the great things to come!
All of You
The community is the sum of parts + all the extra love that comes from all of you! Thank you so much continuing to stick around, share you knowledge, and spread the great community. It keeps me motivated, creative, and challenged and for that I am very thankful.