An About Page and Help
By Pat David
13 Sep 2014
Rolf Steinort by Pat David
I’ve started working a bit on the “About” page for the site. I wanted a place to highlight the mission statement I’m sort of working from:
To provide tutorials, workflows and a showcase for high-quality photography using Free/Open Source Software.
As well as a place to let users know who is behind the scenes working on the site. It’s mostly me at the moment, but I’ve managed to talk someone into helping me…
Enter Rolf Steinort
Yep, that’s right. I’ve managed to talk Rolf Steinort of Meet the GIMP fame into helping me out with the site. We’re still not 100% sure exactly what this means yet, but I have already been bouncing ideas off him for some of the site details anyway.
Meet the GIMP is over 7 years old now, and quickly closing in on episode 200! I am excited (and honored) to have his expertise and help as we build this site out. Especially because my feeble attempts at video productions are sad at best, and Rolf has the type of voice that could read the phone book and I’d still listen to it.
Content Status
I’m currently in the process of choosing which articles from my archive on Getting Around in GIMP I want to translate over and possibly update/rewrite. If anyone has suggestions on which ones they’d like to see, you can always let me know.
I’m currently thinking possibly the big B&W Conversion , the 2.5D Parallax , and/or the Film Emulation in GIMP/G’MIC .
Breaking Up Long Pages
One other thing that I’m trying to decide on is if I should worry about breaking up long posts into multiple pages or not. I don’t really have any interest in making users click through multiple pages to get all of the content (I personally hate doing this).
On the other hand, if the post is really long it could take some time to load all the assets if they all exist on a single page. It may be a delicate trade-off for keeping a page responsive vs. requiring a user to click through to a second (or possibly third) page. For the moment I’m erring on the side of convenience for the user and keeping things as long pages.